You've got a great software idea,

but no idea how to build it?

Let's build it together!

Web Apps, Hybrid Mobile Apps, Backend, Individual Special Solutions, Requirements Engineering, Software Development Methods.

From idea to MVP and beyond! 🚀


Hey! 👋 I'm Frederik Held, the software specialist for your start up. With more than 10 years of experience in web technologies, I am the competent companion on your start up journey.


Web Apps

Single page web applications (SPA) are a state of the art approach to create graphical user interfaces. As they run in the web browser, it doesn't matter if the user is on Windows, MacOS, Linux or a mobile operating system – they just work everywhere.

SPA's can be optimized for mobile or desktop, even a seamless responsive transition between both layouts is possible.

Hybrid Mobile Apps

With only little extra effort, a web app can be bundled as a hybrid app that can be installed on mobile devices.

This provides access to device interfaces like Bluetooth, Camera, Location, Notifications and many more. It also allows you to distribute your app through the Google Play store and Apple App Store.


If data is to be available on multiple devices or for multiple users, if external interfaces are to be integrated or certain functions are to be outsourced, a backend is required.

Based on your requirements, this can be a custom made REST API based on NodeJS, which is connected to a relational, document based or time based database. Another good basis for apps is Google Firebase.

Integrating an existing backend or existing web interfaces is also possible.

Requirements Analysis

You probably have only limited financial resources to build a Minimal Viable Product (MVP). Therefore it is important to focus on those features, that actually validate your business idea with the customer instead of just confirming your own wishful thinking.

If approached right, the MVP still doesn't have to be a throwaway product. It pays off to chose the right tech stack right from the start that enables rapid development and still allows you to scale later.

Based on my experience in product development, I will help you to make those decisions. Together we will look at your business idea, your vision, your target customer segment and the technologies available – and choose the most suitable combination for you.

Softare Development & Organizational Methods

What does an efficient software development workflow look like? How can I automate recurring manual work? How does my development process ensure good quality? How do I coordinate multiple developers or even teams? How do I organize division of labor in the software organization?

If these or similar questions concern you, I can support you with my many years of experience as a software trainer and coach.


Request a free initial consultation!

Let's hop on a 15-minutes video call to find out how I can support you with your project.

Customers' voices

Max Keßler
With his extensive knowledge of software development and web technologies, Frederik Held was able to implement a user-friendly custom built solution for us.
Robert Rapp
Through Frederik I become a better software developer.